Fashion Luxury Tudor Replica Watches Online For Sale

Tudor Replica Watches

Tudor Replica Watches Corporation of America has launched two Tressia watches exclusively designed to fight heart disease in women. Tudor Replica Watches Corporation of America will donate $15 for every model sold between September 1, 2012 and March 1, 2013, to the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women, a remarkable initiative that aims to save the lives of women in the United States.

Tudor Replica Watches will increase its minimum donation for the American Heart Association to $150,000 after the successful campaign it ran with Go Red For Women in 2011-2012. The renowned watchmaker collected $15 for every sale of its signature "Go Red Tressia" model during the previous campaign. This amounted to a minimum $100,000 donation. Tudor Replica Watches is continuing its support of the fight against the No. The No. 1 killer disease is a preventable disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women.

The most beautiful Tressia watches are two Tudor Replica Watches "Go Red", exclusively designed models. These are, in fact, the most beautiful and elegant Tudor Replica Watches ladies' timepieces I've ever seen. The SUP 187 is a dark and elegant version of the stainless steel watch. It also comes in black ceramic. The beautiful black dial has the AHA logo on it and a small red heart to the right. Genuine Swarovski Crystals are used on the bezel and bracelet The watch is also equipped with a case-back engraved with AHA Go Red for Women. The SUP 185 is similar to the SUP 185, but with white ceramic inserts on the dial and white ceramic inserts. Both watches use Tudor Replica Watches's solar-powered quartz movements.

The fight against heart disease among women is an issue that many of hold dear to their hearts. Ken Hagiwara is the President and CEO of Tudor Replica Watches Corporation of America. He said that the Go Red For Women team's commitment to finding a cure makes them a great honor to help create awareness. Expressing gratitude for Tudor Replica Watches's ongoing support,Rolex Replica Watches AHA's President and Chairperson of the Department of Epidemiology at theUniversityofAlabama, Donna Arnett, said that it was an exciting opportunity for the Japanese watchmaker "to encourage consumers to help by providing funds needed for life-saving research."